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  • References for Methionine-Restriction

    UCP1 is an essential mediator of the effects of methionine restriction on energy balance but not insulin sensitivity.

    Authors and Abstract

    Protein and amino acid restriction, aging and disease: from yeast to humans.

    Mitochondrial oxidative stress, aging and caloric restriction: the protein and methionine connection

    Impact of caloric and dietary restriction regimens on markers of health and longevity in humans and animals: a summary of available findings

    The First International Mini-Symposium on Methionine Restriction and Lifespan

    Amino-acid imbalance explains extension of lifespan by dietary restriction in Drosophila

    Protein quality assessment: impact of expanding understanding of protein and amino acid needs for optimal health

    Methionine-deficient diet extends mouse lifespan, slows immune and lens aging, alters glucose, T4, IGF-I and insulin levels, and increases hepatocyte MIF levels and stress resistance

    Toxicity of Methionine in Humans

    Nutritional control of aging

    Transmethylation hypothesis of schizophrenia: methionine and nicotinic acid

    Humphry Fortescue Osmond (1917-2004), a radical and conventional psychiatrist: The transcendent years.
    This article describes the life and work of the psychiatrist Humphry Osmond who pursued a radical path as a psychiatrist while he remained within the establishment. To the public mind however, he is best known as the man who introduced Aldous Huxley to mescaline and coined the iconic word psychedelic. From an early stage of his career, Henry Osmond embraced new ideas to break the nexus in psychiatry at a time when neither biological nor psychoanalytic treatments were shown to have much benefit. To do this, he joined the radical social experiment in health in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan where he initiated a range of innovations that attracted international attention, as well as controversy over his espousal of the use of hallucinogens better to understand the experiences of psychotic patients.

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